Sunday, August 21, 2011

mix and blended~


a very good sunday morning~


first of all..congratz to all my juniors...welcome to second year..
for those who will pass in coming time...berusaha! gambate!

just wanna say i feel i want to be a dinstinction holder~ it impossible?

nothing is impossible aite..? pursue the dream..hardwork pays ok...
so the 1st step is read seriously and wholeheartedly...

now..about this upcoming raye...
insyaAllah i will b coming home this year...
huhu..after 2 years..
i was celebrating past eid @ india..
honestly..not too bad la..
n of course raye @ my kampung much2 better than here..
oh my family..
ok..enuff about raye...

we r still in ramadhan..
now, back to the mission..
i read in 1 of my fav blog..
the mission of ramadhan is zero dosa...
then, recite quran as much as possible..
n most important is with meaning...
yes..insyaAllah u got berkat when recite it without meaning.. is more meaningful if u read with meaning...
yup..somebody will said..i am afraid if i misinterpret the tafseer..
what i always do is pray..Ya Allah help me to understand this ayat in the way u want..ameen..
remember..we read to know..not to 'pertikaikan' ape yang Allah cakap..
insyaAllah..Allah akan permudahkan..have faith..
doa...ask for Allah..n He will give...

now..about beauty..
ok..mix n blended with many stuffs..
hehe..redah jer..
teringat ade status akak senior kat fb..
Allah x tengok rupa paras kite..tapi tengok hati kite...
yup..hati yang Rasulullah saw cakap..jika baik seketul daging dalam tubuh seorang anak adam..maka baiklah seorang itu..dan ketahuilah ia adalah hati..
so pemilik hati noraihayu mohd saidi..jadi baek..okeh...
i always remind myself...jangan tengok rupe paras orang..means jangan judge orang dari appearance orang dari appearance n their looking..
of course la, we cant even to judge people...who us?
da rase baek sangat da ke nak judge2 orang ni???

ok tips x nak bagi riyak..bace lam muslimmatters~

tapi specifically x nak bagi riak lam hafaz quran

1)bukan kte sorang je yg hafaz quran tapi belambak2 lagi org kt seluruh dunia ni hafaz quran..mungkin lebih2 baek dari kte..who knows..

2) ingat sume bende yang kite dapat adalah dari Allah semata-mata...kte xde pape pn..semuanye hak Allah..kalo Allah nak tarik sekejap je..

so, to ayu..keep urself humble..ya Allah permudahkanlah..ameen..

ok..back to beauty topic..thats y la i dont want people judge me by my look..
inferioty complex ke ak ni.. not like that..
yup..alhamdulillah..ak bersyukur dengan ape yg ak ade..
but sometimes...bile cik acne tu mengattack..mule la..
ayu...a reminder to u..kalo mende2 dunia tu..
try la tengok people lower than u..
cube pk org yg kene resdung ke, skin cancer ke, ape2 je lah..dibuatnye cyst tumbuh kt muke ke..nauzubillah..

pe lagi eh..
haa..ade satu lagi..
just baru bace a cerpen pasal a couple who got married,,
of after marriage pnye cite la..
nice one la..
betape indahnya hidayah Allah..macam2 cara..Allah yang pegang hati kita..
ya Allah jangan lah Engkau bolak balikkan hatiku setelah mane Kau beri petunjuk..
tetapkanlah hati ini pada agamaMu..arahkanlah hati ini dalam ketaatan padaMu..ameen..

pasal kahwen...emm..cite x yah cakap la..meriah kemain..
potpet sane sini..hihi..
huhu..i'm not see kahwen in a negative way ok..
what i means is bile da tibe time kahwen tu kahwen la..
sume tu kerja Allah..rahsia Allah..what i believe is kte memang da diciptakan pair2..
so, tibe jodoh tu kawen la..
yang penting just prepare urself,,dengan segala macam ilmu yang diperlukan..
n just one thing..kte x taw taw ble kte fall in love..maybe it accidentally happened..who knows...
ok..just be good ok..perempuan yang baik utk lelaki yang baik..
emm..baek ke aku ni..
kalo x baek be the one la..Allah bagi peluang..selagi leh sedut oxygen tu..x terlambat lagi..

one more..selamat bertunang to my friend..
moge dipermudahkan la bro..moge slamat blake deh...

ok...udoh2 la tu study plop..
cakap nk dpt distinction...hehe..
ok..itu je..


to myself..b discipline, tingkatkan amal...kte x taw ramadhan taun depan kt alam ni lagi ke x..

so, berusaha...boleh ayu..
for the sake of mardhatillah..forgiveness..

kalo org laen bole..kte pon boleh!

selamat beribadah..

pulun ayu..pulun..fake it till u make it..

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

u know urself?


do u know urself???
sometimes i feel i dont know myself..
yeah..confusing right?

i look mr harsh mohan..pathology textbook..
i feel i miss it..
i miss reading n studying very well..
very hard..
i dont even know, am i really study hard?

ya Allah pliz give me strength..
give me strength to do my job very well..
ya Allah..i'm afraid of failure...
i'm afraid dissapointing myself,
people who i love..
people who have high expectation to me..

this is not me...
ya Allah...
pliz help me..
help to fulfill my responsibility..
be a good slave to U Ya Rabb...

Ya Allah..i'm afraid..
jika aku termasuk dalam golongan yang tidak bersyukur..
i'm afraid of ur kemurkaan..
i'm afraid of being a slave who disobey U..

Ya Allah aku takut termasuk dalam golongan yang Engkau tinggalkan, yang Engkau biarkan sendirian..
but i believe ur rahmat is more than ur kemurkaan..
Insya Allah..
teruskan usaha ayu..
Fake it till u make it...

be strong ayu...jadi budak rajen..budak baik..budak semangat...

go ayu...go ayu...



ayu..pliz appreciate this no more tomorrow for u...
no more second chance....

Ya Allah panjangkanlah umurku dalam keimanan..Ya Rabb..ameen..

we pass this road once, n once only..

no more other day like today..
15 august 2011 never appear twice..never...

Friday, August 12, 2011

i'm done with paeds~here i come ortho!


this is a special ranting goes to miss noraihayu binti mohd saidi..
4th sem student of 2nd year mbbs...

this a sweet reminder after paediatric posting aka paeds...
'kindly pliz read the book' me said...
prof said 'go, read well'..

the first dept i was posted is surgery...
at the beginning of this posting i felt..what kind of procedure to follow la..
translucency, illumination, size and surface of lump..
dermoid cyst , sebaceous cyst...bla..bla..bla...
but after posted to medicine n paeds.....
it was the best posting department EVER...
seriously, honestly n frankly speaking...
compared to paeds n med it is the easiest..easiest..
it is easy bcoz only small portion of surgery i've learned..
swelling, hernia, ulcer..specifically..
we just take the history n doing simple exams..
never hold the scalpel...n never done any stitching of incision..
dont worry patient outside there...
we only did what are we suppose to do...
if we r qualified..we will enthusiastically treat u olls..
pray for us...
when we entering the operation theatre..head surgeon kindly told us..
dont touch anything in this room...u can touch among urself...

now...about paeds..
ya Allah..honestly..u r needed to be very3...PATIENT...
deal with the patient who r neonates, naughty children, infant who always crying..
how u want to take the pulse rate if the 'very cooperative' patient wont allow u touch them...
in the dream la..
but there is a solution after all..
prof said..
make a good contact with the patient..'sweets'...

i am lil bit dissapointed with myself because i dont read very well..
i read..but..
emm...only 1 month for paeds is not enough..

ok..for the next posting...i will read well n make good effort for it...

emmmmm...just enough...simple ranting to myself~...
if u dont remind urself whoelse...
if u cant remind urself how can u remind others..
if u dont know to love u can love others~...

with love..noraihayu mohd saidi..

last but not least..ramadhan mubarak..
appreciate it!

sorry about the writing n grammar ya tcher2...